Saturday, April 9, 2016

Weathering in Style - Pt1

Hey all!

It has been a while - hit a bit of a painting funk late last year, and then got into intense mode with AdeptiCon 2016 prep.
The event was amazing as usual, but I'll post more about that later.

This post is about weathering - specifically a new line of Weathering Acrylic paints just released by our friend misterjustin at Secret Weapon Miniatures.

I've grabbed an old model, from a much delayed project, to try them out on, and of course I'm going to share my personal vision on a few of their many possible uses.

This Ork Battlewagon had a red and blue paint job - so I hit it with some rattle-can Rust-Red primer - which cost all of  $3! The wheels and turrets were popped off first.

Then I started it with the SWM Weathering Acrylics. I have to say I've got a whole new respect for Reaper (who produced the paints for SWM); their pigments are phenomenal quality, and the medium always seems perfect.
I pushed these through my airbrush, so they needed diluting. Quite a lot too - lots of pigment packed in there. I have to give these paints an A* rating, just from the first set I've used. And I have to give big props to Justin; these are the rust colours that you troll through other lines to find single examples of, or spend ages trying to mix.

I don't have a colour-by-colour series, but they went on in the following order:
  • Rust Shadow - this is quite green, so it went into areas where I wanted the darkest, oldest rust to be represented.
  • Old Rust - this went over the Shadow, to add some purple/brown depth, and into panel recesses.
  • Brown Rust
  • Red Rust
  • Orange Rust - these last three went on in a random-ish pattern, trying to break up the surface features, whilst trying to keep the lighter ones near the top.
You'll note I didn't use the Yellow Rust from this Weathering Set; this one is more transparent, and I'll be using it later to represent staining.

Chipping medium - light on the panels, heavy on the working surfaces - was then sprayed on. This is drying overnight.

Tomorrow I'll be doing some masking and starting the base colouring.

Stay tuned!

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