Monday, January 28, 2008

"Mutants & Scum" Part 3

Finally, some pictures!
These are my Last Chancers... still wip (obviously!)...

Col Schaeffer and Lt Kage... badass the two of them!

2 Flamers

Heavy weapons

2 meltaguns

2 democharge
psychopaths (alt models for "post chuck" are also done)!

plasma (2 more to come) plus 2 "boring dudes"

a couple of close combat specialists

and my 2 psykers

the guy kneeling is pointing with both hands (one is bigger than the other I know, but he is a mutant!); I'm hoping to model some "plasma" between the fingers. The second one will probably get an arm and hand swap so both hands are cradling his head.

still to come; snipers and plasmagun dudes.


(Originally posted Jan 28 20008)

Tournament Play

Those of you who know me, or know of me, know that I play in tournaments; a LOT of tournaments! Whilst I enjoy playing friendly games (we play Apocalypse almost every Friday night now), tournaments have always been the "thing" for me when it comes to gaming. Why, you may ask?

I like the structure.

Simple, huh?

Fixed time allocations, balanced terrain (set by the organizer), composition scoring systems, recognition for effort in painting and the un-written rule that you do not come to be an arse, as this will not go over well with players 2 thru 4, after they hear how you pissed off player #1!

Ok, so I tend to do rather well at tournaments – I admit it! I get high scores in painting (well, I *can* paint!), I like building balanced composition friendly armies (I’m not a WAAC type) and I’m 99% of the time fun to play against – I don’t argue, cheat or lie, and I own up to my FUBARs. Once in a while (not too often!) I'll win a game or 2 at an event!

Well my tournament run is coming to an end. The Canadian Hall of Heroes season has just 4 more weeks left in this season, Sure, I’ll be gaming every weekend until then, but after that I’m focussing on just a few events. Family is growing and I need to spend time with them. Don’t be worried – I will turn up once in a while to scare the crap out of the local kids who may have heard of me!

Expect to see me at the Canadian GT in May, Astronomi-Con Vancouver in July, and the OFCC in August, and West Coast Mayhem in October.

(Originally posted Jan 28 2008)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Mutants & Scum" Part 2

OK, not quite the update I was hoping for... 2 kids under 5yrs keep you busy!
I was going to show you the figs that are done, but last night I was having too much fun actually DOING the conversions to get photographs done!

Kage is done (bar the bolt pistol), as is Col Schaeffer. I’m using plastics from the Catachan, Cadian, Chaos Marauder, and Space Marine ranges, as well as some resin FW Elysian, Cadian and Krieg parts. Trying to avoid using metal figs for the Last Chancers. The Ogryns will be the new metal models – they are freakishly HUGE! I was going to convert FB Ogres, but that was turning into too much hard work… oh, and the Ratlings will be metal at this stage – I have no good ideas for making plastic conversions (feel free to share if you have any).

After a discussion on the excellent Guard group on yahoogroups, my old friend Don “Mondo” Morris has convinced me that sniper LCs may not be the best use of points. I’ve done a little tweaking of the army list, which I will update later.

I will try to post a “real” update on Sunday. I have a 7 game Combat Patrol tournament all day Saturday.

(Originally posted Jan 24 2008)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Mutants & Scum" Part 1

A beginning...

All armies start with an idea; mine was formulated way back in ~2002, when I watched my good friend Trent Le Clair play the "old" Last Chancers at a GT - 12 models plus a Chimera. SO COOL! Since that time I've been itching for a chance (haha) to do likewise.

However, as always, other armies just kept on getting in the way!

Well the 2008 Canadian GT has now been announced, and I’m sure to qualify (I’m #2 in Canada in the Hall of Heroes standings, behind my buddy, and oft protagonist Nick Daniels). I have a fine “tradition” of taking a NEW army to each and every GT season. So new that I don’t play test them before hand, and I am often seen basing the night before (much to my wife’s amusement).

This year I’m going with my “Mutants & Scum” list; Last Chancers, with Abhumans, and a snotty Artillery Officer in “Command” (I was a Combat Engineer for 3 years, and I got a skin full of snotty Artillery Officers – old rivalry from the Crimea!).

So here is the list. Pretty much fixed; don’t bother telling me you don’t like it, or what the problems with it will be (well you can, but I may not change the list!). This is the [planned] list for the event, and as usual I’m going for Theme and Fun.

Later I’ll tell you about some of the Fun stuff that the list will be doing!

1700 Pts - Imperial Guard Roster

Troops: Last Chancers (24#, 927 Pts)
0 Last Chancers @ 927 Pts
Chimera; Chimera
1 Colonel Schaeffer @ [75] Pts
Bionics; Carapace Armour; Macharian Cross; Medallion Crimson; Plasma Pistol; Power Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Bionics @ [0] Pts
1 Carapace Armour @ [0] Pts
1 Macharian Cross @ [0] Pts
1 Medallion Crimson @ [0] Pts
1 Kage @ [35] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
0 Last Chancers @ [637] Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Sniper Rifle; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Sniper Rifle; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [27] Pts
Carapace Armour; Make Psyker; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [34] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Bolt Pistol; Demolition Charge; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [36] Pts
Carapace Armour; Missile Launcher; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [29] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [38] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Plasma Pistol; Power Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [31] Pts
Carapace Armour; Heavy Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [23] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Lasgun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [27] Pts
Carapace Armour; Make Psyker; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [23] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Lasgun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [46] Pts
Carapace Armour; Lascannon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [34] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Bolt Pistol; Demolition Charge; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [29] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Flamer; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [29] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Flamer; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Plasmagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Plasmagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Meltagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Meltagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Sniper Rifle; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Chimera @ [90] Pts
Extra Armour; Multilaser; Hull Heavy Bolter
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Chimera @ [90] Pts
Extra Armour; Multilaser; Hull Heavy Bolter
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts

HQ: Command Platoon (5#, 60 Pts)
0 Command Platoon @ 60 Pts
0 Command Squad @ [60] Pts
Carapace Armour
1 Junior Officer @ [40] Pts
Carapace Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Laspistol
4 Guardsmen @ [0] Pts
Carapace Armour; Lasgun (x4)

Heavy Support: Basilisk (1#, 150 Pts)
1 Basilisk @ 150 Pts
Armoured Crew Compartment; Extra Armour; Earthshaker Cannon; Hull Heavy Bolter; Indirect Fire Capability
1 Armoured Crew Compartment @ [20] Pts
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts

Heavy Support: Basilisk (1#, 150 Pts)
1 Basilisk @ 150 Pts
Armoured Crew Compartment; Extra Armour; Earthshaker Cannon; Hull Heavy Bolter; Indirect Fire Capability
1 Armoured Crew Compartment @ [20] Pts
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts

Heavy Support: Basilisk (1#, 130 Pts)
1 Basilisk @ 130 Pts
Extra Armour; Earthshaker Cannon; Hull Heavy Bolter; Indirect Fire Capability
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts

Elite: Ratlings (5#, 55 Pts)
5 Ratlings @ 55 Pts
Sniper Rifle

Elite: Ogryns (6#, 225 Pts)
4 Ogryns @ 225 Pts
Ripper Gun; Frag Grenades; Chimera
1 Bone 'ead @ [35] Pts
Ripper Gun; Frag Grenades
1 Chimera @ [90] Pts
Extra Armour; Multilaser; Hull Heavy Bolter
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts

Total Roster Cost: 1697

(Originally posted Jan 17 2008)

Blogging my projects!

Yes, as the title, and the message, says I'm going to start blogging my army builds, conversions and terrain projects. I may even share battle reports and tournament commentaries! Expect to see updates, often at odd stages, of how my builds are progressing; I'll share my joys, pains, trials and tribulations with you along the way. I may even share some of my hobby experience that I've accumulated over the past 35 years of model making, wargaming and tournament play.
Hopefully you will stick around for the "ride"!

Until the weekend (when I hope to have the first army list posted...).
