A beginning...
All armies start with an idea; mine was formulated way back in ~2002, when I watched my good friend Trent Le Clair play the "old" Last Chancers at a GT - 12 models plus a Chimera. SO COOL! Since that time I've been itching for a chance (haha) to do likewise.
However, as always, other armies just kept on getting in the way!
Well the 2008 Canadian GT has now been announced, and I’m sure to qualify (I’m #2 in Canada in the Hall of Heroes standings, behind my buddy, and oft protagonist Nick Daniels). I have a fine “tradition” of taking a NEW army to each and every GT season. So new that I don’t play test them before hand, and I am often seen basing the night before (much to my wife’s amusement).
This year I’m going with my “Mutants & Scum” list; Last Chancers, with Abhumans, and a snotty Artillery Officer in “Command” (I was a Combat Engineer for 3 years, and I got a skin full of snotty Artillery Officers – old rivalry from the Crimea!).
So here is the list. Pretty much fixed; don’t bother telling me you don’t like it, or what the problems with it will be (well you can, but I may not change the list!). This is the [planned] list for the event, and as usual I’m going for Theme and Fun.
Later I’ll tell you about some of the Fun stuff that the list will be doing!
1700 Pts - Imperial Guard Roster
Troops: Last Chancers (24#, 927 Pts)
0 Last Chancers @ 927 Pts
Chimera; Chimera
1 Colonel Schaeffer @ [75] Pts
Bionics; Carapace Armour; Macharian Cross; Medallion Crimson; Plasma Pistol; Power Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Bionics @ [0] Pts
1 Carapace Armour @ [0] Pts
1 Macharian Cross @ [0] Pts
1 Medallion Crimson @ [0] Pts
1 Kage @ [35] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
0 Last Chancers @ [637] Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Sniper Rifle; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Sniper Rifle; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [27] Pts
Carapace Armour; Make Psyker; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [34] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Bolt Pistol; Demolition Charge; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [36] Pts
Carapace Armour; Missile Launcher; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [29] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [38] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Plasma Pistol; Power Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [31] Pts
Carapace Armour; Heavy Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [23] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Lasgun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [27] Pts
Carapace Armour; Make Psyker; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [23] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Lasgun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [46] Pts
Carapace Armour; Lascannon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Specialist @ [34] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Bolt Pistol; Demolition Charge; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [29] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Flamer; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [29] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Flamer; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Plasmagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Plasmagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Meltagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Meltagun; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Specialist @ [33] Pts
Carapace Armour; Surveyor; Sniper Rifle; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
1 Carapace Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Surveyor @ [2] Pts
1 Chimera @ [90] Pts
Extra Armour; Multilaser; Hull Heavy Bolter
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts
1 Chimera @ [90] Pts
Extra Armour; Multilaser; Hull Heavy Bolter
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts
HQ: Command Platoon (5#, 60 Pts)
0 Command Platoon @ 60 Pts
0 Command Squad @ [60] Pts
Carapace Armour
1 Junior Officer @ [40] Pts
Carapace Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Laspistol
4 Guardsmen @ [0] Pts
Carapace Armour; Lasgun (x4)
Heavy Support: Basilisk (1#, 150 Pts)
1 Basilisk @ 150 Pts
Armoured Crew Compartment; Extra Armour; Earthshaker Cannon; Hull Heavy Bolter; Indirect Fire Capability
1 Armoured Crew Compartment @ [20] Pts
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts
Heavy Support: Basilisk (1#, 150 Pts)
1 Basilisk @ 150 Pts
Armoured Crew Compartment; Extra Armour; Earthshaker Cannon; Hull Heavy Bolter; Indirect Fire Capability
1 Armoured Crew Compartment @ [20] Pts
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts
Heavy Support: Basilisk (1#, 130 Pts)
1 Basilisk @ 130 Pts
Extra Armour; Earthshaker Cannon; Hull Heavy Bolter; Indirect Fire Capability
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts
Elite: Ratlings (5#, 55 Pts)
5 Ratlings @ 55 Pts
Sniper Rifle
Elite: Ogryns (6#, 225 Pts)
4 Ogryns @ 225 Pts
Ripper Gun; Frag Grenades; Chimera
1 Bone 'ead @ [35] Pts
Ripper Gun; Frag Grenades
1 Chimera @ [90] Pts
Extra Armour; Multilaser; Hull Heavy Bolter
1 Extra Armour @ [5] Pts
Total Roster Cost: 1697
posted Jan 17 2008)